Hello! My name is Annika Phillips and I’m really excited you’re here.
Why would I be excited that you would visit my website? Well, because, photography has been my dream since I was a kid. When I was little, I would steal my mother's camera to take photos of everything around me. She would come home with to her SD cards full to the brim of photos of my friends and I, spiderwebs and dandelions, tree bark and blades of grass. If you would have told me as a kid that someone would want me to take pictures of the things that mattered to them? Well, I would have been over the moon.
So that’s why I’m excited. I started freelancing in June of 2020 and it has been a beautiful, funny, wild ride since then. For three years I have had the privilege of capturing weddings, engagement, families, restaurants, graduations, cafés, pets, swaths of breathtaking landscape and a few unique outdoor gear brands.
I feel pretty lucky that this is my job and tend to put everything I can behind each session because I know that the little girl version of me would be wide eyed at every opportunity. Whatever matters to you- your gold fish, your fiancé, your new restaurant- I would love to capture in a way that is meaningful and lasting for you. Nothing is out of the question and I love to talk. A lot. So please feel free to send me an email so that we can get planning together.
See you soon,